Is it really industrial temperature range?
Lantronix offers products that are specified to operate over a wide temperature range, often -40 to +85C. It’s great for those outside applications in the Arizona summertime or the Minnesota winter. You have to be careful though, as some companies ‘guess’ at the temperature ratings of their products without sufficient testing or design. Here at Lantronix, we start planning carefully at the very beginning to make sure the product will meet the required spec. We carefully select components and perform calculations to make sure all components will operate across the range. (If you would like to learn more about the math involved – Theta J, Theta JA, etc., this magazine has had a number of good articles on the subject: Once we build prototypes, we carefully instrument the product with temperature probes and cycle it through and beyond the specified operating range making sure all is well. We also do long-term temperature testing on several units to validate endurance. This is all done so when you receive product you can be confident it will operate as advertised. I’ll bet that Arizona heat sounds good to a lot of you this winter, doesn’t it?